I have ten different metronome apps, free and paid, this is an instant replacement to all the best features in them. Might not have a sleek design or catchy name but boy does it have great features.
Vibration and iPhone flash definitely stand out + visual cues that are better executed than most other metronome apps. preloaded and custom drum beats instead of click sounds. Tuner. The battery saving mode (black screen) is a nice touch as well. AND a recorder feature that allows you to save several recording as well as speed them up and down (great for capturing and dissecting complex beats or recording your own beats). As I said they went above and beyond with the features.
It could definitely use an interface facelift, catchier name, and a way to make all those great features stand out and easy to use. But once you know where everything is, I promise you wont need another metronome again.
M-tarif about Tuner & Metronome -Soundcorset